Pregnancy Success after Hysteroscopy

Pregnancy Success after Hysteroscopy

Hysteroscopy has become an essential method for couples trying to conceive. This procedure allows doctors to examine the inside of the uterus and tackle any issues that might be preventing pregnancy.

According to research, around 20% to 30% of women are able to conceive naturally after undergoing hysteroscopy. For those opting for IVF treatments, the success rate after hysteroscopy increases to 40% to 50%. This procedure is particularly effective for diagnosing fertility problems and preparing the uterus for pregnancy.

As a result, hysteroscopy has given many couples renewed hope and significantly improved their chances of fulfilling their dream of parenthood. This makes it a vital advancement in the field of fertility treatments.

Dr. Malatibai Chitnis Hospital is renowned for its advanced hysteroscopy treatment, offering couples a higher chance of conceiving. With state-of-the-art facilities and expert medical staff, the hospital provides comprehensive care, making it a trusted choice for fertility treatments.

Want to see how Dr. Malatibai Chitnis Hospital transforms hysteroscopy into hope? Stay with us for inspiring success stories.

Although individual experiences vary, many women find it easier to conceive after hysteroscopy due to improved uterine conditions.

Is it easy to get pregnant after hysteroscopy?


Hysteroscopy is a procedure where a doctor looks inside the uterus.

There are two types:

  • Diagnostic Hysteroscopy: This is when the doctor just looks inside to see if there are any problems. It usually doesn’t change a woman’s ability to get pregnant. Sometimes, it might even help find out why getting pregnant has been hard.
  • Operative Hysteroscopy: This is when the doctor not only looks but also treats problems like removing small growths. Treating these problems can help a woman get pregnant, especially if these growths are making it hard to conceive.

Unlock your path to pregnancy – talk to your doctor about how hysteroscopy can make a personalized difference for you!

Guess what? After a hysteroscopy, your odds of getting pregnant can often go up because it sorts out any issues in your uterus. Cool, right?

What is the chance of pregnancy success after hysteroscopy?

what happens to uterus after hysteroscopy?

After a hysteroscopy, the uterus usually recovers well.

Here’s what generally happens:

  1. Healing: The uterus heals from any small changes made during the procedure, like if the doctor removed growths or tissue.
  2. Possible Mild Symptoms: You might have some light bleeding or cramping for a few days. This is normal.
  3. Return to Normal: The uterus typically goes back to its normal state pretty quickly. Most women can return to their usual activities soon after.

Remember, every woman’s body is different, so experiences can vary. If you have concerns or unusual symptoms after a hysteroscopy, it’s important to talk to your doctor.

Just a heads up, possible hysteroscopy risks include infection, bleeding, uterine perforation, and reactions to anesthesia. Always good to be in the know!

Risks & Complications

Risks & Complications

Hysteroscopy is a safe medical procedure to look inside the uterus. However, like all medical procedures, it has some risks.

Risks and Complications of Hysteroscopy

InfectionPossible infection in the uterus or nearby areas.
BleedingSome bleeding may occur during or after the procedure.
Uterine DamageRare chance of harm to the uterus or cervix.
Uterine PerforationSmall risk of a hole in the uterus.
Anesthesia ComplicationsRisks related to the anesthesia used.
Fluid OverloadRisk of too much fluid absorption in operative cases.
Medication ReactionPossible reaction to medications or disinfectants.


In summary, hysteroscopy is a safe way for doctors to look at and treat problems in the uterus. It can sometimes help with getting pregnant. Usually, there are no big problems after the procedure, but like any medical treatment, there are some risks like infection or bleeding. Everyone’s experience can be different, so it’s good to talk with your doctor about what to expect for your own health.

Explore a brighter fertility future with personalized care at Dr. Malatibai Chitnis Hospital, where our experienced team guides you every step of the way.


When will I get my period after hysteroscopy?

  • Your period should return to normal within 4-6 weeks after the procedure.

Does hysteroscopy improve implantation?

  • Yes, in some cases, especially if it treats issues that are affecting fertility.

What should I avoid after hysteroscopy?

  • Avoid using tampons, having sexual intercourse, and swimming for a few days to reduce infection risk.

Is hysteroscopy painful?

  • You might feel some cramping during the procedure. Pain after is usually mild.

How long does it take to recover from hysteroscopy?

  • Recovery is often quick, with most returning to normal activities within 1-2 days.

Can hysteroscopy cause infertility?

  • No, it generally does not cause infertility and can sometimes improve fertility.

Are there any long-term side effects of hysteroscopy?

  • Long-term side effects are rare, but it’s important to discuss any concerns with your doctor.
