Chances of natural pregnancy after failed IUI

Chances of natural pregnancy after failed IUI

Embarking on the journey of parenthood can be an emotional rollercoaster. IUI can offer hope for couples struggling to conceive. However, the reality is that not every attempt results in success. In such instances, understanding the chances of natural pregnancy after failed IUI becomes paramount. Fertility experts at Dr. Malatibai Chitnis Hospital, widely recognised as the best IVF Centre in…

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Chances of Pregnancy after Blastocyst Transfer

Chances of Pregnancy after Blastocyst Transfer

The journey to parenthood is a shared dream for many and challenging for some. Infertility is a global concern affecting millions. According to global statistics, over 10% of couples worldwide experience fertility challenges. The impact of this issue underscores the significance of assisted reproductive technologies (ART). ART intertwines hope and science, and that is where In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) comes into…

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